
I enjoyed the trip to Yamanashi and the Washoku workshop.

Kaiyue from Summer Short 2019

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

*First I need to apologize for completing the evaluation this late. I became very sick after I got back to the U.S. and the new semester has a heavy workload, my life in the past 2 months was very disoriented. I just got the time to reflect on my summer experience. Deeply sorry. I enjoyed the trip to Yamanashi and the Washoku workshop the most, because they are out-of-school opportunities to observe and experience Japan. Outdoor trips are always exciting even to us college students. I hope there could be more of them, like going to concerts/performances/museums as a group (I know at KCP you can sign up for activities like regular students, but I wish sometimes us short-term students can stick together)

What activities or materials did you find most helpful (e.g., pair work, drill practice, tests, small group sessions, textbooks, games)?

The printed materials by KCP are all helpful I think. I will keep using the textbook as I continue my study of Japanese. Out of them, those worksheets given to us in the very first 2 weeks (when there were only u.s. students) helped me the most, because they essentially summarized many basic grammar points and gave a lot of exercises (examples) that I could refer back to later for memorization or correction. I wish we could have more of that kind of arranged worksheets.

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In general, I think the KCP program is really great and I’m very glad I decided to do it. It was a lot of work, but I learned a lot, met many interesting people from all over the world, and got to have a very different experience of Japan than the normal tourist.

—Marc Kwiatkowski